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Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Giovanni Vs Neito Allentown Sportsfest 2007

You'd think a guy who's been life-long prone to bloody noses would pick a sport other than boxing, but that wouldn't be Giovanni. Nothing ever slowed Giovanni down, not the bloody noses, and not the tendency to lead with his face instead of his fists. Giovanni came to the Jesse Harris Boxing gym armed with an idea and few skills. If ever a kid pushed himself to master a sport, few could match Giovanni in terms of work effort and determination. If anything, the tendency to bloody noses has helped him accomplish his boxing goals. Worried that the ref will stop the fight due to excessive bleeding, Giovanni does what he can to "get it done early" and get it done right. In this clip with an opponent in the 125 lb class, Giovanni goes on for the "W."

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